Sebastian Göttschkes
- Sebastian Göttschkes
- Redtenbachergasse 35/8
- 1160 Vienna
- Austria
Personal blog, about and /now page.
- Agile Webentwicklung mit symfony2 am Bespiel einer SOAP-Schnittstelle der PicturePlix @ Competence Center Day 2012, April 2012
- symfony/AsseticBundle @ symfony Usergroup Munich, May 2012
- Improving Code Quality with Jenkins @ Symfony Live 2012 (Unconference), June 2012
- assetic-in-the-real-world @ ViennaPHP, May 2013
- shopify/dashing @ ViennaPHP, August 2013
- Love thy vagrant @ DrupalCamp 2013, October 2013 Video
- va (Short intro to vagrant) @ MongoDB Vienna, March 2014
- Vagrant for busy developers @ vienna.js, March 2014
- Vagrant to the rescue @ Linuxwochen Wien 2014, May 2014
- Vagrant to the rescue @ WebCamp Zagreb, October 2014 Video
- Vagrant to the rescue @ ViennaPHP, November 2014
- Vagrant & Ansible: A love story @ AnsibleFest London 2015, February 2015
- Vagrant to the rescue @ LondonPHP Usergroup, February 2015
- Building cllctr @ ViennaPHP, April 2015
- Let's automate stuff with Ansible @ Symfony Live Berlin 2015, October 2015
- Let's automate stuff with Ansbile @ DrupalCamp Vienna 2015, November 2015
- Bullseye: An introduction to Dart @ DartVienna, June 2016
- Level up your Bot with Watson @ Vienna Bots Meetup, June 2016
- Bullsyey: An introduction to Dart @ WebCamp Zagreb, October 2016 Video
- How learning Python/Dart/Clojure made me a better PHP Developer @ ViennaPHP, May 2017
- LiveBook all the things @ Elixir Vienna, June 2022
- LiveView goes k6 @ ElixirConf EU 2023, April 2023
- Introduction to vagrant
- Ansible
- "PHPUnit Basisklassen für symfony2-Projekte",, May 2012, German
- "How To Enable PHP 5.4 on OpenShift",, Januar 2013, English
- "Every project needs a Vagrant",, January 2016, English
- "Get NumPY with Juypter and Vagrant", LinuxVoice #27, May 2016, English
- "Harden your server using Ansible", LinuxVoice #30, September 2016, English
- besughi/elixir-k6
- blossom/webhook-test
- Burgov/KeyValueFormBundle
- Cilex/Cilex
- codeguy/php-the-right-way
- domcode/rafflers
- exercism/dart
- exercism/dart-test-runner
- getsentry/sentry-elixir
- grevory/angular-local-storage
- jaugustin/vagrant-ansible-local
- kriswallsmith/assetic
- lemmings-io/clojure
- mgwidmann/scrivener_html
- mischov/meeseeks_html5ever
- mongodb/docs
- plumphp/plum
- plumphp/plum-csv
- prometheus-ai/fb-messenger-clj
- reactphp/reactphp
- sebastianbergmann/phploc
- Seldaek/monolog
- snc/SncRedisBundle
- symfony/symfony-docs
- viennaphp/talks
- zendframework/zf2-documentation